July/August 2009

Driving on the roads in Africa is not quite like here at home. Holes in the bad roads in Africa are held together with a bit of tarmac every few meters, if you are lucky - but when you get to the really bad roads, then it's holes, rocks and mud or sand - or maybe the road has just disappeared under a deluge of water. A river can also just materialise in a matter of minutes, making it impossible to continue until it subsides. This can take minutes, hours, or days and if you are really unlucky - weeks!!!

The two pictures show the 6mm aluminium plate under the vehicle that should offer some protection from the worst roads Africa can throw at us.

Karen has now got all the drawers packed. Suitcases filled with the clothes we will need for a year in Africa have also been blended into the landscape in the canopy. Amazing how much has been put into the back of the vehicle, without it seeming at all full.

Apart from the things you can see in the drawers we have a compressor with fittings, winch with fittings, sand tracks, two jacks, towing tackle etc.

  Well she's ready for the off. No more we can do before we meet again in Capetown at the beginning of September


Here you can see our vehicle in the docks in Aarhus waiting to be loaded into a container for the trip by sea.

See you in Capetown!

07/08/09 - photos sent by freight company of vehicle being loaded into a container for the trip.

Read about June2009